Promotional Product Ideas
Research The Market with Imprinted Sporting Goods with Logo
Posted by QualityImprint Admin on
In a tough and competitive market, it pays to have an understanding of the competition. This is where marketing research can come in handy. Just like a basketball game, you need to some scouting in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent. With a marketing research, companies can identify changes in their industry that can affect the behavior of their consumers. After doing a research, a company can prepare their marketing strategies and benchmarks. However, conducting a market research can be a daunting task. The problem is many companies do not know the steps for doing market...
Ensure Customer Loyalty with Imprinted Personal Products with Logo
Posted by QualityImprint Admin on
With the difficulty of getting new customers for your business, it is important to keep current customers loyal to your business. So rather than exert effort on gaining new customers, focus your sights on retaining your current customers. Here are some customer loyalty statistics from Loyalty Marketing proving the importance of customer loyalty: 48% of consumers say that the most critical time to gain loyalty is during the first purchase Returning customers spend on average 67% more than first time customers Up to 15% of a business’s most loyal customers represent 55-70% of its total sales 94% of loyalty program...
Ensuring Organizational Commitment Using Imprinted Office Accessories with Logo
Posted by QualityImprint Admin on
Organizational commitment is a challenge for most companies. Most businesses seems to be focused on their profitability that they forget another important asset—their employees. Showing commitment to employees is not that difficult and yet most companies still get it wrong. For most employers, paying perks and giving salary increases is enough to keep their employees happy. Unfortunately it does not work that way. Here are some surprising statistics from Gallup Research study entitled State of the American Workplace: 70 percent of US workers were either not engaged or were actively disengaged at work. Actively disengaged employees cost the US around...
Raise Funds For Your Campaign with Imprinted Automotive Accessories with Logo
Posted by QualityImprint Admin on
Supporting a worthy cause or charitable institutions is one of the ways you can build a good reputation for your company. Nowadays, more customers want companies to be socially responsible and would be willing to pay more to buy products from socially responsible businesses. If you are currently supporting a charitable cause, you would need to raise funds for it. For some businesses, fundraising can be a daunting task. The truth of the matter is that fundraising need not be costly on your port. With a little help from automotive accessories with logo, you can organize a fundraising event. Here...
Advice On How To Offer Sales Incentive Using Imprinted Automotive Accessories with Logo
Posted by QualityImprint Admin on
Sales people deal with a lot of pressure in the workplace. Aside from having a quota, management expects a lot from them. They are expected to deliver as far as productivity is concerned. For this reason, they need to be motivated to perform well. One of the best motivators for your sales team is a sales incentive. One study by Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) revealed that when offered for the first time for completing a task, incentive programs yielded a 15% increase in performance. In addition, programs that run for more than a year produced an average performance increase of...