Promotional Product Ideas
Raise Funds For Your Non-Profit Program with Imprinted Clocks, Calendars & Planners with Logo
Posted by QualityImprint Admin on
For most businesses, raising funds for their non-profit program can be overwhelming. Finding sources of funds and donations entails a lot of negotiations which can be nerve wracking. In 2013, American charities raised $335.17 billion coming from different methods, 72% coming from individuals and 6.4% coming online. Your potential donors could use a wide range of methods for their donations. You can also use imprinted clocks, calendars & planners for getting your funds. Let us go into the details of raising funds using imprinted clocks, calendars, & planners with logo. START WITH PEOPLE YOU KNOW While government agencies or national...
Ensure Employee Safety with Imprinted Bags with Logo
Posted by QualityImprint Admin on
Now more than ever, management should ensure the safety of their workers. It should be top priority by employers to give their employees a safe and conducive working environment. From manipulating machines, lifting heavy machines, wearing protective equipment, management should provide their workers with the proper workplace safety training. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2016 Fatal Occupational Injuries Report, there were 5,`190 workplace fatalities in 2016 representing a 7 percent increase from the previous year. In addition, the fatal injury rate also increased from 3.4 percent per 100,000 full-time workers in 2015 to 3.6 in 2016. The reported...
Show Organizational Commitment Using Imprinted Bags with Logo
Posted by QualityImprint Admin on
Organizational commitment and job satisfaction goes hand in hand. In order for employees to feel happy and satisfied with their jobs, management also needs to do its part by providing the employees with what will make them happy. When they feel that they are being ignored and less valued, they have no recourse but to leave the organization. Keeping your employees happy and engaged offer businesses a wide range of benefits. It can often lead to increased employee retention as workers are unlikely to leave the company. In order to retain employees, you need to keep them engaged. Promotional items...
Research Your Market and Know The Competition Using Imprinted Travel Accessories with Logo
Posted by QualityImprint Admin on
Market research is an important activity that every business should undertake. If you want to get ahead of the competition, you must first be able to study their strengths and weaknesses. Like a basketball game, you need to scout them in order to find ways to beat them. But for most businesses, market research can be overwhelming. Imprinted travel accessories with logo can help you get started with market research. This article will provide the basics of market research using travel accessories with logo. GETTING READY When conducting marketing research, you have the option to hire an outside firm or...
Organize Corporate Events Using Imprinted Office Accessories with Logo
Posted by QualityImprint Admin on
Corporate events offer managers and employees a break from their regular routine. It is also an opportunity for them to build camaraderie and team spirit with their co-employees. In addition, corporate events is the time of the year when employees get to see their managers who are usually confined in their private rooms. Organizing is necessary to keep employees engaged and motivated with the company. Planning a corporate event can be daunting for a first timer. You can start off with organizing events with imprinted office accessories with logo. If you have been tasked to plan your corporate event but...