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Promotional Product Ideas

Promotional Items For Internet Companies

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The Internet has given both businesses and individuals with an avenue for finding information and promoting their products and services. Now more than ever, establishing an online presence can give one a competitive leverage against other companies. But the competition between companies is as tough online as it is offline. For this reason, it is important for Internet companies to get the attention of customers so that they will choose them over the competition. Here are five promotional items that Internet companies can consider giving to their customers. Quality Printed Flashdrives Storing files and documents has never been easier with...

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Trick or Treat! What’s Hot For Your Halloween Promotion

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Written by: Judith Cayabyab Cobwebs.  Pumpkins and jack o’ lanterns.  Costume parties.  Candies and treats.  Horror movies and haunted houses.  Feel it.  Smell it.  See it!  Halloween is indeed just around the corner!  The name “Halloween” is derived from “all-hallow-even”, or All Hallows Eve, the evening before All Hallows Day or All Saints Day.  The celebration of Halloween can be traced back to Northern Europe as a pagan festival and brought to North America by immigrants.  It is believed that Halloween is the time when spirits have access to the world of the living, and can bring harm to humans...

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Of Cheers and Beers: 5 Must-Have Items for Oktoberfest | QualityImprint

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Written by: Judith Cayabyab   Oktoberfest is considered the largest annual beer festival in the world. – days filled with authentic German beer, music, food, more beer, live performances, games and amusement, parades, and, yes, even more beer! It’s originally held in Munich, Germany from the third weekend of September through the first Sunday of October, attracting a huge crowd of locals as well as tourists to the fairgrounds of Theresienwiese.  The festivities have spread outside of Germany mainly by German immigrants or people with German descent.  The largest such event in the United States is Oktoberfest-Zinzinnati in Ohio, which...

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Go Pink and Mean It! | QualityImprint

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Written by: Judith Cayabyab Putting More Meaning in Breast Cancer Awareness Campaigns   You know it’s October when almost everything literally turns pink – a color that has become an icon for Breast Cancer Awareness.  It’s that time of the year when events are held here and there to promote breast cancer awareness and raise funds for research as well as treatment.  The fact that breast cancer is considered the most common type of cancer among women prompted certain individuals, who witnessed loved ones lose their fight against breast cancer, as well as organizations to launch activities that promote awareness...

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Back to School Must-Haves: Top 5 Items to Help You Get Ready for School

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School may be a few more weeks away, but it is never too early to shop for school supplies and essentials. In fact, research shows that back to school shopping has already started among many U.S. adults. Moreover, stores and shops, following market trends during the previous years, have also launched their sales promotions in order to attract more customers into buying their school supplies from them.School supplies and backpacks are among the top 3 items most parents and consumers buy during the back-to-school season. Their preferences are influenced by one or several factors - current trends as dictated by mass media and social media groups,...

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