Promotional Product Ideas
Beef Up Your Trade Show Using Imprinted Toys And Games With Logo
Posted by QualityImprint Admin on
Participating in a trade show can offer your business with an opportunity to meet potential customers. Thousands of people attend these events and most of them are decision makers who are authorized to make purchase decisions. If you have not considered attending trade shows, here are some reasons you should start doing so. These are based from a white paper entitled The Value of Trade Shows published by Skyline and Expo Magazine. For Awareness. Nearly 9 out of 10 exhibitors agreed this is a reason for participating at events. If you are just a new company, raising awareness is even...
Boost Customer Acquisition Using Imprinted Office Accessories with Logo
Posted by QualityImprint Admin on
Customers are the lifeblood of any organization. Can you imagine businesses without their customers? Who will buy their products and avail of their services? For this reason, you need to establish a customer acquisition strategy. But the statistics are actually not in your favor. It is 5 times more costly to acquire new customers than retain them. Imagine that you are going to spend $5 just to get a new customer compared to just $1 to keep them loyal. But that’s life and in a competitive industry, acquiring new customers is crucial to the survival of your business. A customer...
Create Awareness of Your Non-Profit Using Imprinted Drinkware with Logo
Posted by QualityImprint Admin on
Creating awareness for your non-profit entails a huge marketing effort. First of all, no one will become aware that you are supporting a non-profit organization if you do not make them aware of it. All that passion and zeal will go for naught if you are not able to get supporters and donors for your cause. Yes, customers are likely to support you for being socially responsible but you first need to make them aware of the cause you are supporting. You will need to convince potential donors and supporters to help in your cause. This is the dilemma that...
Get Word About Your New Product Out Using Imprinted Food Gifts with Logo
Posted by QualityImprint Admin on
Every business wants their product to be the next big thing in their industry. Launching a new product is their first step in achieving that goal. But introducing a new product entails more than just rolling out the new product to the market. Bear in mind that your competitors will keep on innovating so you need to adjust. Launching a new product on the market need not be complicated. Promotional products like imprinted food gifts with logo can help you get started with introducing a new product. Here are some of the steps for launching a new product using food...
Promote Your Not-for-Profit Using Imprinted Office Accessories with Logo
Posted by QualityImprint Admin on
In a competitive industry, businesses need to make themselves unique from the competition. Showing support for a charitable cause or non-profit organization is one of the ways you can set yourself aside from the competition. Since consumers began to shift their sights on companies that do good, cause marketing has seen a tremendous rise. So if you want to drive more customers to your business, it is high time that you ride the cause marketing train. Getting started with cause marketing need not be complicated. You can start off with promotional products like office accessories with logo. If you do...