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Reward Employee Service Using Imprinted Housewares with Logo

Posted by QualityImprint Admin on

It is hard to keep employees loyal these days. Management, therefore, has to ensure that their loyal employees are recognized. And one of the ways they can give recognition to loyal employees is hand out service awards. 8 out of 10 organizations today have a service awards in place. Offering service awards is a way for employers to thank employees for their service. Depending on the organization, it could be 3, 5,10,15 years and so on.

It is worth noting that employee service awards are a celebration for the company as well. Service awards mean that they had successfully retained employees for a long period of time. It shows that the company was a good place to work deserves employee loyalty and longevity. It somehow gives companies a positive reputation for recruiting new employees. There are different ways management can reward employee service and one of them is by giving promotional products like imprinted housewares. Here are some tips on handing out imprinted housewares with logo.


Long ago, the earliest an employee will receive a service award is on her 5th year or even on their 10th. Nowadays, the average tenure of a salaried employee is 4.2 years. For employees 25-34 years old, the average is 2.8 years making the 5 year award obsolete. For each milestone, you can give tangible awards such as kitchen tools with logo. Aside from a verbal “thank you,” imprinted kitchen tools will go a long way in building goodwill.


You should design your program based on the following infrastructure:

  • Monitoring employee milestone
  • Documenting achievements and contributions
  • Notifying managers and awardees
  • Award redemption process
  • Presentation format

You should also determine the kind of award to be received. Fior example, for 1-year service awardees, it could be imprinted picture frames. Small items like picture frames with logo will be appreciated than cash or financial gifts.


It’s important for organizations to recognize the contribution of their employees. This is where an employee service awards system can come in handy. If no such system is in place, annual performance reviews can be used. Aside from shoutouts and praises, giving them small tokens like tool kits with logo is a good way to recognize employee contributions. For other employees, receiving imprinted tool kits is a sign that they are valued by the organization.


If possible, a service award should be accompanied by a face-to-face presentation for the recipient to be acknowledged for their contributions. Each recipient should be given imprinted flashlights depending on their tenure. When handing out flashlights with logo, it should be done quarterly or monthly to recognize employees nearer to their milestones.


When handing out service awards, avoid using cash or gift cards. They will be viewed as compensation by the employee. They will be spent and forgotten. An effective service award should be personally meaningful, exclusive, and symbolic, and lasting A good example is flyswatters with logo. For awardees with longer tenure, they should receive higher value items than imprinted flyswatters.


In order to creative a positive impact from the service award, here are some recommendations for providing service awards:

  • Create a team who will put together the service award program. Let a team of employees set up the service award process. They are the ones who can scout for imprinted napkins and other gifts. Give them a budget so they can choose the right napkins with logo.
  • Set parameters for the service award. Monetary awards will be buried to memory and will have little lasting value. The award to be handed out should have a component that can last over time that the recipient can look at for years. Buckets with logo are tangible and will be used by the employee. When they see the imprinted bucket, they can say to themselves that they were valued by their company.
  • Present the service award in a meeting or ceremony. Handing out imprinted file organizers at a meeting or ceremony will publicize the value of the service award. Depending on the size of your organization, it should be the CEO, president, or division head who will award file organizers with logo.
  • Acknowledge the recipient’s milestone. Along with journals with logo, the service award should be accompanied by a written acknowledgement of the employee’s service. The letter should indicate the length of stay, thank the employee, and provide the details about why the employee is receiving imprinted journals.
Recognizing the tenure of your employees with promotional products like imprinted trunk organizers gives them more reason to stay loyal to your company. At the same time, trunk organizers with logo will serve as a reminder to other employees that they are valued by the company.

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