Jumpstart Your Employee Referral Program Using Imprinted Sporting Goods with Logo | Promotional Products Blog
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Jumpstart Your Employee Referral Program Using Imprinted Sporting Goods with Logo

Posted by QualityImprint Admin on

Employees go online, post on job boards, organize job fairs, and other methods when hiring new employees. However, they do not realize that the best source of potential employees is the employees themselves.  A recent study reveals that 96 percent of recent grads want to refer friends into their companies but such program is non-existent. It makes good business sense to put in place an employee referral program for the following reasons:

  • It increases employee retention by an average of 46% compared to the 33% that use career sites
  • New hires coming from employee referrals are trained and onboarded faster than from traditional job sites. Employees from career sites start after 55 days, from job boards after 39 days, and employee referrals 29 days.
  • While only 7% of referrals apply for jobs, they account for nearly half of all hires.

Employee referral programs need not be complicated. Promotional products like sporting goods with logo can get you started with an employee referral program. Here are some of the steps to get you started with a referral program using imprinted sporting goods with logo.


How will your employees know that there is such a program if they are not aware that they are such open roles? For any employee referral program to be successful, you need to drive awareness of current openings. As this may mean more work for the members of the hiring team, you can offer them incentives such as balls with logo so they can help fill the role. Giving them imprinted balls may encourage them to refer people they know who may have similar backgrounds to their own.


Don’t wait for employees to tell you who they know, search their networks and tell them. Identify several potential candidates from each member’s network so you can build a pipeline of warm leads. You can take this step further by drafting an email for the employees to send directly to increase their response rate. Send them imprinted beach balls to encourage them to refer their friends. By sending them beach balls with logo, you remove the hurdles of connecting with high-quality, pre-vetted talent.


Giving rewards such as cheering mitts with logo can help motivate your employees to bring talent to the company. However, offering imprinted cheering mitts may stop gaining the attention of employees. The key is to vary the reward every month to drive attention to the referral program.


Employee referral programs are closely intertwined with a strong company culture. When employees are happy and engaged at work, they are more likely to refer their friends. Rewarding employees with exercise and gyms with logo will keep them happy and engaged at work. Build a unique company culture by embracing shared goals and values. Keep your employees engaged by giving them imprinted exercises and gyms.


If an employee refers a friend and never got an update, they may feel less needed or valued. Close the loop by giving them imprinted golf balls and providing them an update on the status of their referral. Reach out to every referred candidate to learn about their background and provide an introduction to the organization. With the golf balls with logo, the employee will know that you value them.


No employee will waste their time on a complicated referral process. At the onset, set clear expectations so all parties will know what to expect and when and stick to it. It might be possible to use your ATS. In other systems, an employee has to just give their name and contact information and the information is populated to the ATS.


Employee referrals should not disappear into the black hole of HR or ATS. The stadium cushions with logo you gave out to motivate your employees to make referrals will not mean anything if there is slow response on your part. It will only mean that you are not serious with the program. While you may not be hiring right now, it is also best to keep encouraging your employees to refer for database purposes. Reward them with imprinted stadium cushions as motivation.


Sometimes it is not always the money that will motivate employees to refer someone to the company. A simple thank you with imprinted umbrellas will inspire the employee to refer again. Likewise, the thought of being able to receive umbrellas with logo will encourage other employees to refer as well.


Once you have launched your employee referral program, do not let it fizzle out after some months. Work with your marketing team and use communication channels. Set aside a budget for referral rewards like ice scrapers with logo. It should be constantly promoted and employees who refer should be consistently rewarded with imprinted ice scrapers to keep the program going.


Employees will not improve without being guided. Did their referral not make the grade. Provide feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of referrals. Train your employees to pre-qualify requirements so their referrals will meet the grade. You can reward them with imprinted toys for attending the training. By giving toys with logo, they can help their referrals stay long in the company.

Employee referral programs allow your workers to be part of recruiting and hiring candidates for certain positions. Promotional products like chocolates with logo can help motivate employees to actively participate in the program. Make it a point to provide imprinted chocolates to your workers who refer their friends for possible employment in your company.

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